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Let's Create the OpenCommunity 2020 Calendar!



Hey everyone!

On the last Community Assembly, we brought up the idea of creating a physical OC / GW2League calendar for 2020, that members could get by donating to the community, in order to shore up some funds for OC & GW2League, and a lot of people seemed to really like the idea!

As we were discussing how we'd like to put the design of the calendar together, we knew that we wanted to involved everyone in the community somehow, so we wanted to open up the whole thing to everyone in the community! That way, we'll be able to have a calendar that we made together!


How You Can Get Involved

If you'd like to participate in creating the calendar, you can contribute your own suggestions either as an individual, or as a group! Some guilds, for example, have expressed interest in holding an internal screenshot contest in order to contribute for specific months, such as a halloween-themed thing for October.

Any suggestions will be considered, and contributions can be anything from in-game screenshots to original artwork! 

For screenshots, please keep in mind that they work best if taken at a high graphics quality, and it's best that they were taken in PNG or BMP to avoid artifacting. They can be a single screenshot or image, or a collage, and depending on the amount of contributions, each month might either feature just a single image or - more likely - a collage of images from different contributions! They don't have to be GW2-themed, but should be either memories from OpenCommunity events, or iconic things that OpenCommunity members would recognize.

If anyone has a very specific idea for a specific month, feel free to throw it in the comments here! You can also upload any suggestions here, or send them to me directly via direct message here on the website, or via Discord, or upload your images on a file-sharing website such as Google Drive.



The current deadline for contributions is November 15th!

After the contributions are all sent, we'll have a few days to go through them, and to create a cohesive overarching visual theme, and then the calendar will go to print! The plan is to have them physically in my hands by December, so that I can share photos by the time we make the calendar available for supporters!

EDIT: The deadline has been extended to November 25th! This will delay the production of the calendar, but we wanted to give people some more time to send submissions in.


I'm really looking forward to OC's very own calendar!


Recommended Comments

I sent you messages on Teamspeak  when you were online and Discord asking how you would like the pictures submitted because we had a competition to get them and you never replied to me so how are we meant to send pictures if you dont reply to us.?

Edited by ktommo10

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1 minute ago, ktommo10 said:

I sent you messages on Teamspeak when you were online asking how you would like the pictures submitted because we had a competition to get them and you never replied to me so how are we meant to send pictures if you dont reply to us.?

I'm afraid I must've missed that message. Teamspeak doesn't save private messages, so if you restart your computer, or it crashes, or just close your Teamspeak, the message is lost, that's why I specifically said in the post above that submissions should be sent here on the website or on discord.


Submissions could be:

  • Put in the comments on this post
  • Sent via direct message on the website
  • Sent via direct message on Discord
  • Uploaded to a file sharing website with the link shared on any of the above platforms


Getting involved.png

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