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Teamspeak Progress Update



Together with @Slaywright and @Leaky, we've been working a while to get the new GW2League teamspeak up, so here's a little update on how that's going!


Setting Up the New TS!

A lot of the work on the true backend of TS is basically us learning as we go, but thankfully, we're quick studies. We've created the second Teamspeak and it's basically ready to use, however, while I can create a clean copy of the server by hand and rebuild every channel identically, and I can get the list of everyone who has specific groups on the OC TS, Teamspeak doesn't allow assigning groups to someone who has never visited that specific server before. What this means is that in order to assign the same groups from the OC server, we'd have to get anyone who wants to get them on the new server to first log in, and then I'd have to manually assign them.

So we're looking at some other options. Teamspeak provides a way to create a backup of a server, and we're trying to find a way to use that backup to essentially create a clone of the OC server. That way, all the permissions would be carried over, with no need for any individual work. We could make the switch, and for those using the GW2League channels, it would essentially be like the OC channels & groups disappeared, and vice versa. In theory, this option is easy, however, there have been some complications. This may just be due to the fact that our server has existed for 5 years, and had thousands of people come through, so the database backup file is so massive it crashed the server upon import (not good ? ), or, it may just be that there's a conflict in some parameters.

We'll do some diagnostics on that, and hopefully be able to figure it out! Otherwise, we've still got some options before we have to rest to manual reassigning of groups ^^


Fleshing Out Permissions

As an aside, I've added two new permission groups for GW2League's use today on the OC Teamspeak, and finally updated the Commander role, which should now be assignable by both Channel Admins and Moderators.

The "Temp Pass" server group can be found under "UTILITY", and can be applied by anyone who is verified in any way on our teamspeak. The Temp Pass has a join & subscribe power of 25, so members of the GW2League can create a secure channel that guests cannot enter, but their guild members can simply let any guest in by just giving them the "Temp Pass" group. When the person disconnects, the group is automatically removed.

The "Private Pass" channel group can be found under "SPECIAL". This group can be assigned by Channel Admins and Channel Moderators. It has a join & subscribe power of 60. That way, a channel can be created to which only those people (and Channel Admins & Mods) have access to. Because this is a per-channel group, it can be assigned individually to people who should have access, with different people having access to any amount of channels.

We're going to continue to polish and flesh out the permissions, and I've also started to put together some documentation for members of the GW2League to use so they can benefit from all the features at their disposal.


That's it for this little update! We'll continue to keep you posted as things progress!


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We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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