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Event created by Slaywright
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Event details
Special event aiming for the introduction to Gorseval, the second boss of the first raid wing. Because of the nature of the encouter, this event has higher requirements than Vale Guardian introductions.
Requirements pertaining to the Vale Guardian kill:
- Requires understanding of both the encounter and your role, as well as familiarity with all the important roles and mechanics of the encounter, regardless of if they involve you. (e.g. the green circles on Vale Guardian)
- Goal is to kill the boss in question, but this is still not a gritted teeth meta-or-get-out ideal composition situation by any means
- Loose priority on people with less kills and people who have not yet killed the boss in question that week
- Baseline equipment: exotic armour and ascended weapons with runes and sigils fit for purpose, ascended trinkets, stats appropriate for your role. A few pieces missing doesn't bar you from joining, but you should actively work to fill in the missing upgrades.
The gear requirement and ability to understand the mechanics carry over to Gorseval, and the other guidelines outlined in the information topic related to understanding your profession and generic game mechanics apply.
Questions, signups, etc. to @Slaywright or Slaywright.4807 in-game.
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