Guild Wars 2 - Core Tyria
Event created by Xyoz
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This event repeats every 30 years until 15/12/17
Event details
The Shatterer is no challenge for us! Let's fight it - NAKED!
"It's unlike anything we've ever seen before, huge, vicious, and powerful" ~Tactical Officer Smokemane
The new and reborn Shatterer descends upon Blazreridge Steppes, seeking opposition! We are that opposition! Join The Sentinels and The Vigil in their fight against Kralkatorrik's champion!
The reworked Shatterer comes with all new fight mechanics (including a defiance bar and gliding platforms) and a bunch of lovely achievements. The fight itself is of moderate difficulty, but with a bit of coordination we should have no problems with it.
- Level 50 (80 recommended)
- Blazeridge Steppes reached (Lowland Burns Waypoint)
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