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Hero Point Run!


This event repeats every 30 years forever

Event details

The Maguuma Jungle is fraught with perils, and it's up to us to face them! For a reward, of course.
We'll be cutting our way through Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths, slicing and dicing enemies in our way, to get some experience and talent out of it.

The event is a run through enough Heart of Thorns hero points to get you your elite Specialization! Players can either bring new characters that have not been to the Heart of Maguuma yet, or come with those that are already veterans of the jungle, as many of the Hero Challenges are repeatable and will give rewards even to those who have already completed them once before! Players do not have to have any waypoint in the area in advance.


  • A Level 80 Character
  • Heart of Thorns
  • Updraft Mastery
  • Bouncing Mushrooms
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