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Heya all, Cyan here.

I'm currently one of the officers in The Knights Temple [TKT]!

I'm a quite normal human being, almost hitting the age of 25, and living in the Netherlands. My gaming history has a big "casual" stamp on it, and I think that's also suitable for my GuildWars 2 behavior. I started playing with the beta's, with a "achievements aren't important", "always do things you enjoy", and "don't follow the meta if you don't like it" mindset. I'm glad I found people and a community where those things are accepted. Other games I played are GuildWars, Aion, TERA, Blade & Soul, and various GTA games. I somehow always played games on my pc, never had a console.

In my daily life I'm a graduate in social work, and currently looking for a job. To earn some money while searching, I deliver mail weekly (it's a terrible job, I do not recommend it). Things I like to do beside gaming are sports, searching for new music to listen over and over again, doing fun stuff with my friends, and watching series like Game of Thrones, a lot of comedies, and my all time favorite Grey's Anatomy. =3

I'm not often on TS (I don't like to hear myself speak), but I will wander around and occasionally pop up.




Edited by Cyan

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Oh yes, I've heard there is another Cyan lurking around in the OpenCommunity! We even had a little confusing situation ingame about that. When hosting guild missions on wednesday, I got someone in my squad who wasn't aware it was for TKT guild missions, and thought I was the other Cyan or something like that. Nobody knew what was going on! =p

Edited by Cyan

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Hello ^^

Yes, people like to call me Cyan because that is the character I'm on 95% of the time :D 

Perhaps now they will learn not to do that :P 

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Aha that was Declan! :D You invited me because I stopped by in the GH after cutting herbs, and we were in a party. He, indeed, "dropped" everything when a Cyan invited him to a squad. "OMG I can't do fractals, Lelling invited me to do Guild Mission! Huhuhu... Oh wait, whaaattt? This is not even my guild."

Anyway, welcome, welcome, Cyan! And ty for escorting me, whether it be as a wolf, a quaggan, or a rabbit... 

Edited by Christa Lee

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Of course I escort my fellow pack of pups, school of quaggans or rabbit community! Forward to the great guild mission rewards, and beyond!!

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Oh, indeed, I was in the group that Declan abandoned to answer your call. :D Welcome, Cyan. It's good to have you here. I hope we'll get to see more of you around the threads.

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