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Julia Waters

Hello Everyone

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Im Rainewaters, Raine for short. Im not a part of any of the allianced guilds sadly but i recently attended my first open community event which included tonic races and costume contest. It was alot of fun and I hope to attend more and win the next costume contest. 

I make videos on youtube so check my profile for the link if you want to check it out. I would like to record events for OC as these are good memories to share with good people

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Hello and welcome! :3 You can join any and all of the guilds who are taking new members, but they each have their separate "obligations" (except KIT, which is just to get notified about events), so I'd suggest not applying for all of them...


Also you can do anything at OC without being in any of the guilds, from training raids to hacking at the wurm, everyone's welcome ^^

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Hi Raine and hope to see you at more of the OC events. :)


Edited by Walec

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