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Hello everyone,

After a very well organised and enjoyable Triple Trouble event, I have decided to join you.

I'm a 18 years old student (currently graduating High school) living in Slovakia. I'm very tall and slim and my weakness are girls with sweet voice.

My main character will be Necromancer (Aerlevi) since I've got the most world completion there, but you can call me Michael or Coko (acc name is CokoladaSunka.1369).

I've got a Commander tag, but I won't be talking too much since there's a lot of noise here (little siblings/TV/parents etc.) and I'm not yet satisfied with my English level.

Also I'm focusing on Raids now so if any experienced group needs an experienced Herald/Chronomancer feel free to contact me in game (whole week around 6-9PM CET).

That being said, I'm looking forward to our future cooperation.

Cheers :)

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Welcome :D I really like your name CokoladaSunka :D 

Hope you will enjoy all the events like you did the TT! 

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Welcome to the forums! ^^

That name CokoladaSunka is hilarious, I love it! (I hope it has same meaning like in my language :D)

Edited by Steki

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Hello Aerlevi! It's nice to see my country neighbour here hehe. ^^ And yes, your account name is awesome, combining basically the two best things in the world! :D

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Hello and welcome! Also from what I've been talking with you, you don't really have to worry about your English at all. :) Hope to see you around a lot on the events! (He's our latest addition as a Commander, yay!)

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Hello Aerlevi!

Slovakiaaaaa *points at Flu*

Don’t worry about your English. You just need to talk and practice! You haven’t heard my English when I just joined the community. So just practice practice and practice!

And welcome to the Community and forums!~

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