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Discuss league, find a party, rant about your latest ranked game. But to get discussion going, who's your favourite champ and why? :D

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I was going to make a topic about this game. Was looking for one yesterday and couldn't find any I come back today and here we go, someone did it for me, thank you :) !

I play mostly on EUNE, my favourite champion was Warwick since the beta in 2009. But lately he is not reliable any more, and lack of any  complexity after so long make him sadly kind of boring to play. 

So to be more accurate now my most popular champion for quiet few months is Elise. I love her design, love her skins and of course her fantastic kit. Perfect for ganking, really nice cleaning time on jungle, and can be tanky while still dealing lots of dmg. 

As you may see I love jungling, that is the only position on which I feel comfortable to play. Secondary role would be support, cause I kind of sucks in farming cs. I'm always behind doesn't mater if I'm wining my lane or not. 

Last few months 75% game I play would be Aram mode, just don't feel like a summoners rift is a place right now where I want to be. With the pre season mess and constant balance changes in upcoming patches it becomes kind of hard to fallow what is the meta and what items and builds are reliable and which one are not any more. 

My other champions I like from various reasons, are : 

Gnar - the design of it, it's so cute and fun to play

Vel koz - destructive power, and cause of spuzey and oh darn emote spam :P 

Jinx - she is damn hot, crazy, and I got my first penta with her <3 

Lee sin - love the kit, I totally suck with him so yeah, moving on 

Bard - I mean, he is so derpy, and clunky, and underpowered, but still have fun to play kit, perfect for trolling your mates and enemies

Azir - I become a fun of his lately

Zac - my main jungler in season 3, very strong lately again in the jungle

Kha'zix -mostly cause of design ( I'm huge Alien fan )

Annie - cause of Annie Panda skin <3, and I love to burn ppl and nuke them with Tibers 


So yeah that would be it, if you guys play on EUNE and would like to play with me from time to time you can find me under same nickname as her on the forum :) 

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It was about time someone started thread about LoL! :D 

Don't really have favorite one, but it's mostly something outside meta and eventually (years and years later) that same champ gets picked or banned in every single game because it's too op!

That includes champs like Syndra, Leblanc, Zyra, Malzahar, Viktor, Anivia, I'm a huge fan of Vel'Koz too, but I play him on arams only.

Oh right, I almost forgot... AP KOG'MAW!!! I still haven't tried him ap on normals/rankeds after his 'rework' but he is one of the best champs on aram for sure.

My main roles are mid and support ( Janna is like my top played champ since season 3, and I'm still not bored of playing her), I also played ap Soraka (both mid and supp, 90% of the time supp) in late season 5 and it's a lot more fun than just being a heal bot, but her Q range got nerfed so she feels a lot more useless now than before. I also like Taric (THE MOST FABULOUS CHAMP IN GAME) probably because he is such troll pick vs full ad team because you can just run past them and they will do no damage most of the time. Season 6 ( the thunderlord meta) brought some old and some new ap supports to bot lane which is why I play Zyra and Zilean now, and I can say that Zilean is frustrating me so much with his kit, but thats just 1 more reason for me to play him even more! yay ¬¬

About other roles...not much to say Diana, Nidalee and Elise for jungle (ap ftw!), failing at Singed top so hard, but I'm still willing to play him, I hate every single adc champ except Ezreal and Kog'maw...and if you are wondering why Ezreal it's because of this pic below :D 

People don't have faith in me when I tell them how to build him properly on aram :( 

gg ez.png

So, add me and let's have some fun on arams!!!

I hate normals and I usually play solo ranked 

and yeah...RIP Dominion ?

Edited by Steki
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Will do mate, my highest dmg in the game I ever dealt was on Ezreal as well, and I don't even own this champ. I got it from free rota. I belive it was the only time as well when I manage to get over 100 k dmg which is insane. Looking forward to buy him as next champion. 


friend request has been send to you Steki

Edited by BigWhiteShogun
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Allright let's do this. I used to be a huge League player, platinum last season, now I kind of toned it down, mostly because it can get my mood down instantly (the community really does suck). But if anyone wants to play some games, I'm on EUNE and my ign is Snoringdragon.

I really love playing supports, but I hate the fact that you can't carry if your team is just straight up bad, so that's why I've been getting into adc-ing and mid/top. But if you can get me a decent adc to lane with, I'm your man to get him/her through the game relatively safe ;)

My absolute favourite champ is still Sona, but I like most supports. For midlane it's gotta be Ahri, LeBlanc and Lux. And as far as adcs go, Quinn is still my absolute favourite (why did you rework her, Riot, why?) but I play most of them.

A champ whose design and playstyle I like quite a lot is Rammus. Especially if you can get ahead, it's just awesome xD And we can't forget about the classic AP Blitz. I call it weo-weo Blitz and if you see me playing Riot Blitz, I'm gonna go full ap and oneshot your adc :D

@BigWhiteShogun Yay for spfourzie! I've been trying support Vel'Koz and it's pretty strong.

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New Rotating Mode Queue coming soon!
All fun game modes will return and be able to play on weekends :D 
Cant' wait ^_^

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On 07/03/2016 at 0:54 PM, Steki said:

All fun game modes will return and be able to play on weekends :D 
Cant' wait ^_^

next week => URF

don't miss up!

You can drop chest in this gamemode.

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17 hours ago, Wiliwilliam said:

next week => URF

I personally prefer ascension and last one was amazing! Imo urf was best when it appeared for 1st time because there were no restrictions, and it was whole new experience, last year it was very fun though, but not as fun.

Anyways we have Community Weekend as well and I have exam too. So sad I'm gonna have to miss most of both :(


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I dont know why I thought urf would be available last week (during OC weekend), but I'm glad it didn't.

So hop on the URF HYPE TRAIN!!!!! 3 days left ^_^


Btw check out mid-season magic on website, it's glorious :o

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I really enjoy the "One For All" game mode. It's so freakin confusing xD

I'm on EUW. 

Lately I've been really enjoying Karma, mid lane. I also really like playing Fiddle jgl, Vel'koz / Xerath / Cassi mid, but I gotta say Panda Annie in ARAM is my ultimate fave.

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Euw, salty, flamerino, riven main kappa (jk I just play riven to feed) I can't really decide which lane I should main, so I don't really have a main champ but my main champ for 2 close to 3 seasons before I stopped playing basically was Irelia (BETTER NERF IRELIA) and since then I only touched League for few weeks or a month then stopped playing again for months or till end of season, because community is shit, tank meta sucks, the more updates they bring out the shittier the game gets guess that's why I only play for few weeks or 1-2 months each year.


about your Damage pic they're bad, 100k in aram (worst game mode) is easy to get with a poke champion I think I had once like 180k damage with xerath (was a longer aram game tho)

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