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Commander Feedback

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Forum registration is fairly easy, and it would be faaar too much work on the staff side to track you down. You can use the forums, perhaps send a PM here. 

In my opinion, a public, anonymous form is a bad idea, because based on past experience, it will be 99% "good job" and "go die". It will also create extra, unneeded work for the staff team. 

If you truly wish to give constructive feedback, a forum PM or even Teamspeak text chat will be enough. Most commanders do not have access to member data on the forums, so if you are worried about that, please don't. 

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If you need a completely impartial person to give feedback to, I'm a good choice, seeing as I'm horrible at social stuff & remembering names and have no idea who 95% of our commanders even are, despite being one myself.


Edited by Nag
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As Nag already kindly offered, you can always talk to any of the other commanders and ask them to keep your anonymity (which they will most likely do anyway even if you don't ask them to). :) I agree with what Mini said, I think total anonymity in feedback brings more negative than positive sides.

Edited by Susimusta
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In the case of feedback about any of the commanders, please refer to:

  • Any Admin
  • Any Moderator titled "Guild Wars 2 Team"

You can find a list of those here.

Lelling, OC Admin =)

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(Heh, now I pretended to be useful but don't actually have to do any work. Plan successful :ph34r: )

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