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I am Groot!

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I've been an active player a long time ago, and after a long hiatus I'm once again playing daily. Back then I was in a guild specifically for world bosses, but after the long absence I wasn't anymore. The new guild I'm in is much less focuessed (and much more relaxed and fun-oriented) and someone there mentioned this community. I decided to take a look and joined one of yesterdays Triple Trouble runs.

I had fun! The entire thing was well organised and at the same time very relaxed. So much that I decided to register here and see if I can join on more regular intervals and try to contribute to this awesome community.

As for myself; I'm a bit older with my recent level up (35 as of today...) and immensely enjoy playing games, puzzles and such. In life I teach mathematics, which firther adds to the puzzlemania. Two kids and a wife at home, so gaming is usually limited to the evening hours of whatever timezone The Netherlands happens to be in (daylight savings and such are annoying).

It'll take me a while to fully get to know the possibilities of this community, but I'll get there!

Enough for an introduction, so until next time!


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