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Yellow! :3

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Commander / Server Moderator (M) / Guild leader of [SOUL] Susimusta here, hey! *waves*

24 year old yet-to-finish-her-thesis Uni student with a pending Bachelors' degree in social services + kindergarten teacher-ness. A proud (sometimes not so proud) Finn. If you've ever had the misfortune to encounter me on Teamspeak, you know that I really really really like talking - runs in my family. Expressing myself in the ways of creativity -- drawing, painting, jewelry crafting, paper crafts, stories, poems .. (depends on what I have the mood to do), is also very close to my heart.

The OpenCommunity has given me a home and I will stand and protect it to stay as tolerant, warm and welcoming as it is for me. You can come and talk to me about anything! :) <3


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Greetings my love! Welcome to the forums~  *hugs* Didn't think that we will become such a good friends, but now I am happy that I met you <3

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