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Hey guys,

Ara and I have been playing through SWTOR (level 18 at this time) and were wondering if anyone else is interesting in playing/plays the game. We were considering making a Guild for OC on there depending on how much interest we can get here. We're playing on the Tomb of Freedom Nadd. :)

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I play the game - not at the time, I needed a break from it after the Star Wars hype and I always buy the one time subscription before playing... But yeah, I'd be interested in playing with some people (I have a bunch of characters there, some lvl 65). However, I'm on The Red Eclipse (the PvE one) :/

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I used to play it (about 10 toons), then put it on hold for a while to play some other games that was clogging up my backlog. I'm not sure what server I'm on, but these days it's so easy to level up a new character, so if you want to, let me know and I'll pick it up again with a new toon and can play together.

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