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Hello ,

My name is Andrew and I come from Sunny Scotland and have four kids aged between 2 and 13.

My IGN is  Promith/crazyscot and i am one of the members of the open community guild TkT . I joined TkT in the days of guild wars 1 .

I now mostly play guild wars 2 but occasionally like to play some CS:GO , LoL and fallout 4.I also just downloaded Blade and Soul.


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Welcome to the Forums Promith! :) Hope you enjoy your time here. Also I should come and mingle and get  to know TkT people a bit better too, I am too rooted down to the SOUL and DV channels sometimes. ;p Anyway, hope to see you on events and Teamspeak! ^^

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We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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