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Hullo or Why am I here, my real life is slipping away anyway

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Hi everyone!

Never know what to say in these things. Basically, I'm a big blob that replies to wolfie, wurfi, oi you and whistling in my direction.

Beside blobbing about, I make my money subtitling various TV content. It's a nice, cosy, never-have-to-get-of-your-butt kind of job and we were made for eachother. I hope to one day make my living splashing digital paint on computerized canvas, or that was the original plan that sort of died inside me when I got into a fine arts college, but is kicking again after a year away from the modern arts community :D I am also perfectly happy to splash with real ink or leave stains with pencils, pens, crayons, markers... Anything that leaves marks on paper. Except maybe poo, because ew.

I'm supposed to be writing my bachelor's thesis this year, but it's not really going that well. I do try, but my attention span magically shortens whenever I need to read a non-fiction book. It's quite remarkable, somebody should put in some reserch in that direction. Also, modern art is silly, I dunno what I was thinking.

Other than that, I'm a big fan of all kinds of fantasy texts. My special little girl is Good Omens by Pratchett and Gaiman, also the Discworld series, Neverwhere, American Gods, Orson Scott Card's Ender saga and Bean quartet, LOTR, Harry Potter, Fowl, Abhorsen trilogy, Song of Ice and Fire, so on, so forth... I've been a devout Whovian for two years now and will never regret the hours wasted on that old time lord. I'm not much of a gamer on the grounds of being apparently perfectly capable of wasting daylight, nightlight and money without it. I am however a pround creator and momma of a sylvari ranger that must surely be getting lonely by now. Maybe a charr for a bit of company some time soon. :D 

That's it, that's all I've got. Oh, and I sing tenor/contralto in a choir.


Edited by Wolfie
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if it isn't my favorite wolf that ends with an ie ^^

Welcome to the thing!

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Let me just say that I absolutely love your book selection - Pratchett, Gaiman, Colfer and especially Abhorsen trilogy, all of my favourites ^^ Also yay for Doctor Who and I can relate soo much to that problem with non-fiction books xD

And of course, welcome! :)

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