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Dunno about that, but theres certainly a lot of weird monsters around here :P

A few months ago there was a salamandra black and yhellow in our entrance hiding beneath a old carpet

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On 4/11/2016 at 0:24 PM, otretas said:

This creature appear at the back of our backyard. Surprisingly it didn't ran away from humans  :o



Wow otetas you have a weird cat...

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You all have such amazing pets :3


Okay, I decided to upload some pictures of my dog too, so here we go:


This is Abby as a pup



And this is her now:kDSC_0051.jpg


Although she loves to play and get wild, cuddling is the best...



....and oh yeah, that's how I play GW :D



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I'm visiting my parents for a national holiday and my aunt came over with her 2y old shih tzu Tosia, whose favourite game to play is fetch... but with a small rock instead of a stick or a ball. Then she proceeded to run around with the rock in her mouth and we've had a good laugh :D


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Playing fetch with a rock, that's hardcore! :D

Doris and Teddy have moved house recently, here is Doris helping with the packing

2016-04-22 22.47.53.jpg

Teddy and Doris take a break from carrying furniture to admire the view from their Castle

2016-04-24 09.27.51.jpg

Exhausted from all the heavy lifting, Teddy achieves maximum chill

2016-04-26 07.25.11.jpg

And now for Milo who is chilling the Sunshine, soaking up the rays :D

2016-04-30 10.59.35.jpg

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As promised to Sabina: meet Echo and Zelda!
Echo is the small one, Zelda my big demanding princess :D




Edited by Taas
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\o/ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ma god aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D:D:D:D 

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That little tie on the dog cracks me up xD @GoNikonata

Here is the picture of a sweet dog that was abandoned near my cousins house wich he kept him and now he is really happy and is not afraid of people anymore :P

Here we tried to put some glasses wich i think he liked them



And here my Zelda brings a little mouse alive to the house, and proceeds to make a bunch of noise by just playing with him


RIP litle mouse...

And here are some of the other wild cats that you usually see here in the castle :P

This poor little bat was just trying to hide beneath these blinds and i was mean to him :(


And here we have a rare sight of a rare salamander hiding in the courtyard with a really vibrant yhellow color :). I have only seen this animal like twice in my lifetime.


I wish i could get some photos of a red squirell that comes and say hi here but he is way too fast to stand there so i can take a picture of him :o

I also once saw a roe deer in the woods here but thats near impossible to take a picture of her :(

I apologize again for my weird pictures of abnormal cats

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Oh ok, lets do this thing :D

So this one is my first derp, Pan (short for Panic, not the ktichen utensil :D). He likes to hide under my sweaters while I wear them.


This is his derp brother Suljo. He prefers a more open sleeping location or an active blankie.


They do the derp thing together.


And this is our resident old doge, Ola, in this pic looking uncharacteristcally dignified and not as tiny as she is at all. :D


And yay for pups old and young :3

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