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Hallo o.o

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Hello people of the OpenCommunity, today I will introduce myself O_O

My name is Dew, I am 18 years old and currently live in germany, my hobbies are playing some games like Guild Wars 2, Osu, Runescape, Borderlands 2 and some games I rarely play with my clan mates like League of Legends.


if you have any question about me feel free to ask O_O (sorry for the bad introducing that's basically the worst for me D:)


Dew O.o

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Hey there Dew! Welcome to the forums ^^

Man, runescape, I have so many good memories about that game. How is it now, with the EoC and all that?

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Welcome to the forums indeedo DeW! :3 Happy to have you. And don't worry, short introductions are just fine too. ^-^ Are you originally from somewhere else than Germany?

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Well I am half german half romanian(?) but never was in Romania tbh so I keep it most of the time for myself and thanks everybody :D

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Ah okay. ^^ I was just wondering because you said "I currently live in Germany" instead of "I'm German". :) Like if I would move to somewhere else than Finland (like England), I would probably say like "I live in England, but I'm a Finn.". Anyway that's cool. ^^ 

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