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Forum Calendar question

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Couldn't find any "tech support" topics so...

Does anyone know if/how can one change the display of the hours in the calendar to the 24h format ?



also, which calendar is the right one ? on the firum or on the web site ? they are not showing the same events ...

Edited by Vortok

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Unfortunately you can't, but I'm looking into fixing that.

While I believe it is fixable it's not quite that easy. It's all PHP's (one of the scripting languages used for making web stuff) fault by the looks of it, as the forum just displays the time the server gives it, which it can only give in that format for whatever reason. The forum admin panel does have an option for changing the date format but nothing for time.

Edited by Slaywright

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26 minutes ago, Vortok said:

Does anyone know if/how can one change the display of the hours in the calendar to the 24h format ?


As ridiculous as it may sound, I need to think so hard to get anything out of that 12h format.

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31 minutes ago, Vortok said:

also, which calendar is the right one ? on the firum or on the web site ? they are not showing the same events ...

Right now, the calendars aren't synced yet, but the one on the forums is correct.

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1 hour ago, Separator said:


As ridiculous as it may sound, I need to think so hard to get anything out of that 12h format.

I learned a little memory trick that helped me figure out am/pm stuff. The gist of it is am = at morning and pm = past midday. Maybe it can help you as well ^^

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There is a calendar where guild people can add their missions etc. You can find the details over here: 


On 13/02/2016 at 8:56 PM, Vortok said:

I see progress !

thanks Slay !

That wasn't me though, Scarlet did that one :P I do think it's possible the change the time format - which apparently is the forum software's doing and them just not having implemented a setting to change it - but it'd probably have the potential to explode whenever they release an update. Some googling suggests the setting has existed in past versions but for whatever reason it's not in this one.

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