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About Natsindu

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  • Birthday 20/03/1997

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  1. To sign up for an OpenCommunity Raid you can just follow the picture series below. (Let's assume you are already on the main page of the Raid Section) 1. You'll need to check the Raid Schedule (Just click on the "Raid Schedule" button) 2. You'll find a list of available Runs including information about the Raid Wing, date, time, raid type and raid leader (Pick a Run you want to join and click on it) 3.Now you'll find more detailed information about the Run you chose (Make sure to read and understand the information) 4. Lastly you want to comment with your Account Name and the roles/classes you want to bring (The comment could look like in the picture below) 5.Now you only need to wait for an approval message which we will send you on the website (This step can sometimes take a few days so don't panic after a few minutes )


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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