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About fenix

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  1. You are right of course, and it adds nothing to the post. Removed.
  2. I love the way this is headed. Instead of having this top-down structure, we are getting a tribal structure, an actual community, where everyone can find their own specific mix of interests. From what I understood of the new website implementation, is that you can follow the various layers, like clubs, threads, etc. And if you follow various clubs or their calendars, those calendars will be concatenated into one convenient calendar filled only with the things you want to see. Amazing stuff. I expect to see the various groups and individuals of OC contribute their interests and see the community flourish without putting the load all on a select crew of organizers (a major downside of top-down). Also, I expect many more different things aside from GW2 to appear, like other computer games, board games, arts, crafts, culture, and so on. And all that in a community which intends to be a safe haven. So yay OC!


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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