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Acolyte Siff

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About Acolyte Siff

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  • Birthday February 22

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  1. Hey there! You can find the list of guilds within The Open Community at this page here, with application buttons below them. Simply choose the guild you're interested in joining, fill out your details and I'm sure one of the guild leaders or officers will get back to you! Hope this helps!
  2. Welcome! I was very impressed by your boar pulling skills!
  3. Welcome Sabine! Hope you'll be joining us for more events!:D
  4. Well... since you asked! Poptart and Pippin, respectively.
  5. Hi there, Acolyte Siff here, reporting in from a small cell far below Rata Sum! I used to enjoy long walks on the beach, a game of Polymock in the evenings and the love of a beautiful mind, but now it's a slop supper and cold bars on my windows. Why? Well, that's a story for another time. ------ Hi, Micah here. I'm a 25 year old from Belfast, Northern Ireland and have been a long time Guild Wars enthusiast since early in Guild Wars: Prophecies. I say enthusiast, but I mean, to the point where I have a Dwayna tattoo. That's a thing that happened. I live with my beautiful fiancee (also a GW2 player, Artisan Flukku) and our two cats, Poptart and Pippin, and work night shifts so I tend to be missing later during Fridays and Saturdays. I joined the Open Community recently after running Triple Trouble with many of the members and really enjoyed the atmosphere provided. I even finally got around to completing The Great Jungle Wurm Slayer title, something that I've avoided for way too long. I'm looking forward to spending more time with the community and hope to see y'all in-game!


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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