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Soaring Spirit

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Everything posted by Soaring Spirit

  1. Welcome to da forums Silver!
  2. Welcome to the forums Jezzy!
  3. Hey Tawni! Nice to see some strategy games on the list! I've been enjoying the new XCOM sadly I am not too good at strategy games I'm a bit slow and tend to turtle. Had a chance to look at it yourself yet?
  4. Welcome to the forums Vortok! Also don't be saying your old, ye ain't
  5. Welcome to the forums Vidarr! Always remember the days of the Shadow Form sin as well as the fun of Solo'ing the "not as mighty as you'd think" menace that is Shiro Tagachi!
  6. Welcome to the forums! We love fun and games! ^^ (and other things)
  7. Behold Lord Slinky and the lovely little terror with "butter wouldn't melt" eyes Sparkles!
  8. Welcome to the forums Separator! What breed of dog is Zack? I like my doggies ^^.
  9. Hey Len, welcome to the forums!
  10. Welcome Jack! Good luck with your PhD!
  11. Welcome! Gotta love a guitar! Hope your healing up well!
  12. Welcome Equus! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  13. Welcome Steki! Welcome to da Forums!
  14. The words "Food Technology" paints some lovely pictures in my mind ^^. Welcome to the forums! Trinzle!
  15. Heya Sithicus, welcomes to the forums!
  16. Hello Gothmog, Do not worry, I cannot English either and I actually am English, so its all good! Welcome to the forums! Soar
  17. Hello Dew, your introduction isn't bad. Tis short n sweet. Welcome
  18. Winter has Arrived! . .. ... WELCOME! Soar greets you!


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