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Sloan Sabith

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About Sloan Sabith

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  • Birthday November 13

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  1. Hello, my old discord account got disabled. Please verify my new one: Moose#4142 (confirmed)
  2. Yes. I definelty plan to join the Raid team as well. Really am excited about it cause I'm always nervous to join a random lfg and get bashed D:
  3. Hey all, My name is Erin. I’m 24 years old. I live in Boston, Massachusetts on the east coast of USA. I’m an emergency and critical care veterinary technician that works the overnight shift from 7pm to 7am. So after working a long night, I try to rush home so I’m able to do at least 1 of the Triple Wurm events. I started playing GW2 a little over a year ago and I’m still learning a looot. I usually play alone unless invited to do some random events or I join a dungeon run or two. I mostly play on my Ranger as Sloan Sabith but I also have a level 80 Warrior, Thief, Mesmer and just made a Necromancer so if anyone has any helpful pointers or websites or whatever on how to get started, I’d greatly appreciate it. I also recently started playing the first GW only for the sole purpose of getting the awesome-looking Black Moa but I’ve grown to like it..still working on the Moa, though. I also play that alone as well so “if you’re ever in the neighborhood”, as they say! Anyway, everyone seems really nice in this community and I love how organized and open they are to helping noobs like me.


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