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About Akatsuki

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  1. I'll try to! I'll need to get more comfortable first
  2. It is pretty interesting ^-^ Favourite anime would have to be either Fairy Tail or Log Horizon at the moment, it does change a lot though depending on what I find
  3. Thank you all :3 hopefully i'll be seeing a lot of people around soon ^-^ I applied for one of the guilds too so just hoping now :3
  4. So I got the game quite a while ago but I only really started playing properly these last few weeks. I don't have a level 80 character yet but i'm leveling one and hope to join RNG (I already submitted my application) and your events soon :3 I don't have HoT yet either but I guess that can wait until after i'm done with the core game ^-^ In real life i'm 21, Scottish and a little shy. I'm working on my degree in bio-medical science and outside of this I also like anime, reading, horse riding and of course gaming. You might see me around TS soon but I don't know if i'll talk much yet, maybe once i've been around a while ^-^ In game my account is Akatsuki.8435 so feel free to say hi :3


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