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About Xelovia

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  1. Xelovia


    Hello everyone. I am Aung. My character name is Xelovia, Druid. Playing in Ring of Fire (EU) server. I was wow player. But their miking sub fee system, crappy graphic and their toxic community. So, I quit and now playing seriously in GW2. I bought both HOT ans POF. GW 2 is fun, all players are helpful. We can find commanders in most of the map and they always lead the group and help followers. Even they revive fallen players. I am now playing straightly for 4 month. Got full exotic and 4 Ascended. Now I want to go in for some raid. I never join any raid group. I afraid I do mistake in this beautiful game. My guild master said me to join this site and they are helpful. Please help my progress. With love Xelovia


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