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About Riesor

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  1. My first kill of Soulless Horror: also the first time I've been to wing 5, with Mirva, Desmina, Aleister, NoraSkyI, Yaanawo Arien, Cookie Inc, Auriel Deathstrider, Elly Trix, Nasurelin, Ratsnest
  2. The torch is probably my favourite: so much flashier than my old one.
  3. First kills of Slothasor and the Trio tonight with Viridian and Lacie
  4. Had a great raid toni ght with Nasurelin and Cookie, killing the Vale Guardian and my very first kill of Gorseval
  5. The crowd for Golem MkII was almost as impressive but not as coordinated...
  6. I have no friends so took a first one... but then some kind soul came and posed for me, so at least I got the Asura ?
  7. Three first kills on my first ever GW2 raid!


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