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About Doomsday

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  1. I'll be around! Never played but I'll try to at least learn tbe basics before then.
  2. As discussed during the OC Birthday, I'd like to follow up on this and see who is interested! Lelling, Slaywright and Viridian already expressed some interested (in fact, I'm blatantly stealing this idea from Lelling and Slaywright). Don't worry, no experience is expected or required, just gonna be a chill run through the game, nothing too serious! It's an old game, but it's a classic, a must play for everyone indeed! In game, parties go up to 8 people, so if we get more, we're gonna have to split up, but this is no problem! The more the merrier! If you don't own the game, you can buy it on the Blizzard Store OR I can loan up to 2 people a cd-key (since I own multiple copies) Let us know if you wanna game, and maybe some availability times!
  3. One of my favorite tracks ever since I first heard it, and it keeps getting better the more I listen to it:
  4. Heya Lorelai, seen you at a ton of our events which is always nice to see. I'm glad you like it here! See you ingame!
  5. Hey welcome, we're glad to have you and hope to see you on our TTs more often!
  6. Doomsday


    Hello, welcome and good to have you here finally then! ? I don't think I've seen you around yet but I'm sure that'll happen if you manage to stick around. In any case, enjoy your stay! ?
  7. Looks very nice, very cute style. ?
  8. I really like how the sword matches my character: [img
  9. I'm impressed, that's almost a more coordinated line-up than the screenshots at our Tyria Pride event!
  10. I've got more but I just need to sort through em, but here's one:
  11. It opens fine for me in the Windows Photo's app. Also 2 of those are the same picture! ?
  12. Hi! Add me please: Doomsday#3353 Lelling: Confirmed


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