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12 Good

About Doomsday

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Doomsday's Badges

Golden Cookie


Awarded for contributions to the Event Team in the month of June 2018! Doomsday has participated and involved himself in much more than commanding, sharing ideas, suggestions, and contributing to the community as a whole, and has shown himself to be a model commander.

Golden Cookie


Awarded for contributions to the Event Team in the month of June 2018! Doomsday has participated and involved himself in much more than commanding, sharing ideas, suggestions, and contributing to the community as a whole, and has shown himself to be a model commander.

Golden Cookie


Awarded for contributions to the Event Team in the month of June 2018! Doomsday has participated and involved himself in much more than commanding, sharing ideas, suggestions, and contributing to the community as a whole, and has shown himself to be a model commander.


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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