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Everything posted by Yaanawo

  1. *Dancing in front of the screen after listening to the Song a second time*
  2. Got an exiting packet today! Some awesome OC Shiny and awesome pins from previous Events! 

    Can't wait to have a Cup of tea! 

    It has been one great year with OC, thanks for all the work you do and for such a great Community where everyone got a place to be how she or he is. Best wishes for the Future, Yaanawo!


  3. Just a great and strong voice also a great message! ? Enjoy!
  4. Hello, my name is Benjamin Franklin/Yaanawo, I'm playing gw2 for around 2 years for now. For the most times, you see me somewhere around in the PvE also for some daily fractals. I'm always happy to make a "How to fractal run" if you are new to fractals and would like to try it and learn something all around fractals. If you got any Question for Fractals or need help feel free to add me Yaanawo.7825 Out of gw2, I like anime and music of all kind also I start getting into Programming. Have fun everyone! Hope to see ya at the next Tripple Trouble Event or somewhere around.


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Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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