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About TheOrlyFactor

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  • Birthday 06/04/1982

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  1. I recently reinstalled all of the CS games so if you're looking for someone to play with you can count me in. Just a word of warning though: I'm not a competitive gamer. I'll still and always give 110% when I play but I don't have a competitive mindset. I'm more of a laid back gamer. P: Steam profile is here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/oneoftheseidsisnotliketheothers
  2. Guild Wars 2: TheOrlyFactor.8341 Steam ID: oneoftheseidsisnotliketheothers ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/oneoftheseidsisnotliketheothers )
  3. Thank you and absolutely! =D I should go and add my gamer tags so people on here know who I am on what platforms and whatnot. P:
  4. Hi. I'm a NA player on the EU servers who sucks at making intro topics. :V So a month or three back when I was trying to get enough Mastery Points for both Heart of Maguuma and Central Tyria, I came to the conclusion I was gonna need to do some of the world bosses to get said Mastery Points. I did one Triple Threat event and it failed horribly, much to my understandable frustration. A guild member recommended that I check out OpenCommunity and their organized events to get in on a possibly successful and friendly run. I did and not only was it successful but it was a friendly, low-stress event and I was certainly impressed. So here I am a few months later, joining the community officially and hoping maybe I can find myself a low-stress community and a guild who does a little of everything. Admittedly, I'm starting to feel the content drought that seems to be making itself clear in GW2 and some of the things I do want to do (namely raids) could help me sate that drought. I mean, if I had such a good time in Triple Trouble, why not try Raids with the same/similar folks I did TT with? Even if that doesn't happen, I felt like I owed it to myself to pay back the community that helped me get the last Mastery Point I needed to unlock the entire Central Tyria Mastery line. Hopefully I'll get to meet folks on here, make friends in game, and such. Anything else you wanna know, just ask. I'm an open book for the most part. :>


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