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About ematan

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  1. Hi! I've been waiting so much for something like this opportunity so thanks for guiding^^ IGN: Jinjina Experience: I joined my guild's "noob run" for Vale Guardian which we downed after 6-7 attempts, but I think the guild mostly carried me. But I know the mechanics for VG, seen some of the stuff needed for Gorse. Class: Ranger (http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_S/A_LB_Spotter), asc weapons&trinkets, exotic armor Druid (www.theopencommunity.org/forum/index.php?/topic/140-full-healer-druid-pve-raids/) exotic armor& weapon, zerg trinkets Warrior (http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Warrior_-_Phalanx_Strength atm but can do changes if needed), asc trinkets & greatsword, other exotic Days: Only saturday


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