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About Dan

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  • Birthday 03/08/1994

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  1. So you've been wondering what is Santa doing in summer? Me too, so I've hired a detective to follow him around. Here's Santa and his little helpers... stealing the booze? Naaah, they must be shooting a PSA! ... Right? Remember, kids! Stealing is bad.
  2. Best vacations ever. I'm stayin all month.
  3. I'm sorry to inform you, but those 3 naughty little asura are responsible of Santa's death. RIP Christmas... Couldn't you pick instead a warm cozy cottage with a fireplace, you bad kids? ... When Santa saw that wurm messing with his reindeer, he had to show him who's the boss! ... that might have worked if Santa would go outside more often than once per year instead of eating cookies all day long. Oh well... At least we still have Tixx!
  4. On the pic: Rhaifa (Anabaena) and Joanna Banana (Jean Green) - the finalist of the Belcher's Bluff competition from OC Week. + our famous racer Himiko as quaggan and shout out to Canoe for being our camera man. \o/ Was fun.
  5. It's a Naked Triple-Triple Trouble! 1) Three naked burning skeletons (should use sunscreen, sunburns is no joke!) 2) Three naked and very troublesome Lords Farens (the third one feels very naked without his sword) 3) Sad (and very naked) anomaly with drinking troubles.
  6. You can bite me if you want. I'm healthy and tasty. I mean...! Hi. EDIT: I swear this made sense with my at the time nickname
  7. and you will make mine if you'll take the photo! EDIT: btw guys, if perhaps you only view the forum and don't have account to be able to send a private message to me, then you can contact me on Discord (JoannaBanana#0602) or in game if you have any questions etc: Jean Green.7208
  8. [deleted message with pre-t pic and asking for help with video for contest and stuff, won 50g, I'm rich, you know]


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