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Jade Anabelle

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About Jade Anabelle

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  • Birthday 12/09/1994

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  1. until
    Time: 20:45 UTC, 22:45 CESTTeamSpeak: Required Coordinators: @britxh, @Kahiara, @Jade Anabelle Content Warning: Strong language, alcohol consumption Join us on teamspeak for an evening of fun questions, discussions and silly banter. More information can be found on the forum post: http://www.theopencommunity.org/topic/458-fun™-commander-qa/
  2. One where I made an effort to look like a human. One where I got my unicorn onesy and I was REALLY happy. One where I felt like a proper cat. All the faces of Ana (I'm never ever gonna post pictures after these...)
  3. OMG...I'm a total veteran noob on gw1 too ><" I'd love to play sometime if you can put up with my veteran noobness ><" Jade Anabelle - Jade Anabelle Woods.2549 - Tenshi Fujimoto (updated)
  4. Hiya, I know commissions are closed, but if they open up again could you draw her please? You don't have to make me priority (me being a trainee), whenever you do it I'll be happy Thanks a lot <3 (The thing is a visor (panscopic monocle) not an eyepatch )
  5. We are not pushing anything. If you don't want to do it then you don't do it, it's as siple as that. This event is just to show that we care wherever we are, and also as a "multinational" community we would also like to march together and have some fun Since we can hardly do that irl, this is the way to show support as well as be together


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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