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About lestat

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  • Birthday December 7

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  1. lestat

    Reveal yourself

    decided to put my 2 cents
  2. I actually just picked up Dragon Age, because Inquisition seems to be a thing in my friend circle, and I hope to get myself full series when the steam sale will happen (in June). I am really happy to see so many people around with so similar interests, so I can share my Witcher and EL love and other things, this feels really really nice! Also, talking about this, I did try to avoid my masters as much as possible, so i might end up with having another year to do them, so why not finally learn how to do fractals properly and enlarge game collection, right?
  3. Good day ladies and gentleman! My name is Orah (it is a female name, yes, it is a Jewish name, yes), I go by lestat as a forum handle, and by bunch of different names in game, as I am stil searching for fitting alias. I am a widely new gamer (not counting my long time love for Civilization), GW2 become my first MMO (not counting a short affair with WoT, if that counts). I found (properly, like opening the forum) Open Community literally yesterday (this tells how noob I am) throughout Tripple Toruble hosted event, and got really excited, because I finally got my first achievements from TT and actually saw it playing out! (proud puppy) Though I should be getting my Masters, I am - reading Marvel Comics, fangirling Black Panther and Daredevil, collecting all the books by Greg Rucka (like have you read Lazarus??), playing GW2, Skyrim, Witcher series (and the novels are great), Endless Legend and, always, Civilization. Loving Star Wars Universe and, as my professor believes, all this is fine, but, apparently, I have a party issue. Other hobbies my friends do not see as "nerdy": I enjoy art and design, but 24 hours in day ask for some prioritizing, so I kinda gave up drawing and painting. However, I read a lot, since childhood, I was brought up with lotr and Harry Potter, but right now my heart and soul belongs to Russian classics (reason I learnt Russian), Irish and Scandinavian mythology and poetry. Also, I love TV series like Haven, and movies by Wes Anderson and Sofia Coppola. I am in love with language studies, though it is really far from my Masters field - International Economics. I love all the subjects I can talk my way out, because, as a long-term professional debater, I am quite good with talking about topics I have no idea, and I really love public speaking. However, I am kinda socially awkward. Geography: I live In Europe, that is the easy way to tell it, as I tend to move around a lot, but I have three basic residences - Riga (LV), London (UK) and Paris (FR). Basically - I am a gaming student, in a sense that I try to learn as much as I can, however, I only started to play in an educated way recently, and got stuck in the beautiful lore of GW2. (imagining gw2 comic series makes me want to cry). I enjoy pve content and recently got around to do pvp. Right now running tow lvl 80 ch - a charr warrior and a human revenant, leveling up a norn elementist. I hope to get into doing dungeons and level up my crafting to do proper weapons and armor, because how long one can survive with exotic armor?? (But look, that is progress, like two months ago I was happy to learn not to jump to my death). Also, I should finish personal stories and HoT content - maps and stories. P.S. I am mostly online every evening, except for longer periods of traveling or random tennis traumas that tend to happen time after time. Ah... that is it? I never know what is the important info to line down here, but hey, I am so much better in answering questions, if you have any. And remember to have a lovely day!


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