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About Koistyfishy

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  • Birthday September 22

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  1. Yay another person from SA (even if you aren't from here originally) >_< Welcome to OC!
  2. Happy birthday, Koisty! :happysylvaritest::D

  3. Awwww that was such a sweet post! I am glad you finally decided to introduce yourself on the forum
  4. Boo! Welcome to the community!
  5. I know I have, but recently this week he just disappeared with his bees 0_0..... I know there is a new person claiming to be him, but I am still skeptical
  6. I have more, but this one definitely made me the most HAPPY
  7. Welcome to the community! Looking forward to seeing you around in GW2 and MC
  8. Costume Contest - EPIC DANCE PARTY Human Darts..... "Where is @Wolfie???" Quaggan Hunt (like the 6th one XD) VERTICAL QUAGGANS
  9. Heya! I'm glad to see someone else hates mushrooms as much as me Welcome to the forums floof!
  10. Oooooh! It's a PORK! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
  11. Sithi......it's all here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/january-2017-community-showcase/


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