Hi everyone,
You probably don't know me on this name even if you've played together with me a few times in Triple Trouble, the occasional Shatterer, or most recently the GW2Pride, but this is what I'm generally known on.
In-game, you'll probably see me as Bzakki (female asura mesmer) or Rebixx (male asura necromancer), or less often my other characters who are all non-asura and whom I have collected on G+ a couple months ago in this post.
But enough about Tyria (nah, never :D), let's talk about something else. I'm a software developer from (and in) Hungary, sadly already in my thirties, and as things might have it, I'm the founder of the local furry community, which dates back to around 2004. If you're a fur, you have probably seen me at Eurofurence. I used to love learning languages (haven't tried to get a new one down in ages), and I can speak four: Hungarian, English, German and Dutch. I used to be involved in the Hungarian localisation of LiveJournal and Facebook. I love to travel (no, I love to be somewhere else, the actual travelling part is not as much fun), and Singapore and Amsterdam occupy a very special spot in my heart. When I'm not playing GW2 (which is ridiculously rare these days), I might be messing around with old DOS or C64 games (does anyone remember Hero's Quest?). I love parentheses (apparently). When I'm not playing GW2 (or anything else), I'm probably binge-watching stuff on YouTube, in particularly lockpicking, which is sadly entirely illegal in Hungary (to the level of it being considered a national security threat), or the hyytroolik prestšänäl Hydraulic Press Channel made by that Finnish guy with that amazing Finnish accent (I need to learn Finnish at some point). I love gin-tonic and beer.
Ask me stuff!