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Ki Ste

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About Ki Ste

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  1. Ki Ste

    Twitch Streams

    @Sithicus Aren't you forgetting someone?
  2. Welcome Raziya! Looking forward to hear you sing some more ^^
  3. Pugs are more likely to follow commander on east, which I believe needs a lot more people than west does. But I dont understand the need for 10 people to do escort event in west while 'special' team barely gets 3 people to do 4 events at the same time. So, West team should merge with special and spread out a bit, while East needs 2 people (from like 30 who are following comm) to do 1 event every 5 mins. Comm can mark locations on east and ask for persons in squad to finish those. 2 squads are more than enough, we just need a little better organization.
  4. What I dont understand is why do we have a ''special'' team? Most of those events are on west and as far as I know all events on west don't need more than 5 people. So instead of making special team, people on west should spread out and cover all of the events. On the other side all ''special'' events on east are soloable (except maybe for tendril one which is doable by 1 or 2 persons).
  5. I dont know why I thought urf would be available last week (during OC weekend), but I'm glad it didn't. So hop on the URF HYPE TRAIN!!!!! 3 days left Btw check out mid-season magic on website, it's glorious
  6. I personally prefer ascension and last one was amazing! Imo urf was best when it appeared for 1st time because there were no restrictions, and it was whole new experience, last year it was very fun though, but not as fun. Anyways we have Community Weekend as well and I have exam too. So sad I'm gonna have to miss most of both GL & HF
  7. I wanted to post this a long time ago but i kept delaying it for no reason. Soo, all of us have a names we are known by, whether it's account, toon or forum name and I've noticed that every single one is unique and have it's own meaning. But it's up to you to tell us what hides behind your name.
  8. Is this Hide & Seek? I found you!
  9. Welcome fellow chaos! It's great to see you on forums!
  10. Happy birthday, Christuuh!! ^_^

    1. Christa Lee

      Christa Lee

      AH ty so much!! :)

    2. Christa Lee

      Christa Lee

      yours is in 2 days!!!


  11. Challenge accepted! Welcome to the OC ^^


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