Hello folks!
I'm really happy that I found courage to present myself.
So.. I'm Kamil, 24y from Poland. I moreless addicted to the people and that's why I study Psychology. I also love chocolate so I can ate 1 big milka bar in 10 seconds. Never enough..
Sometimes I tend to be i center of everything but most of time I just stay on side and observe events that happening in my life.
Mostly I spend my days outside. I love hiking and doing LARP with friends. Back in days I was attending in Archery tournament but didn't achieve anything. So I decided to start play guitar. After painfull months to my closest enviroment finally I started to perform something very good but due to circle of life I needed to earn some money to eat chocolate. So I went to work and still I'm doing the same thing for 4y day after day without regret of that I can do anything else beside that work. So I'm business analyst and make a plenty of different raports.
I love also playing video games mostly RTS like Warhammer 40k and Total War series, also Europa Universalis, as well as playing chess. As a child I played also pen&paper RPG like Witcher and Legend of the Five Rings..
Oh before I forget. I love Medieval Japan and all it's culture. Also I love bunnies, and I'm a big fan of My Little Pony (just kididng, but I like Fluttershy <3).
Cheers, Ansimo