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About Castus

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  • Birthday December 25

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  1. Castus


    Oh wow.. those are really awesome. I love the colours of that cow picture ? I'm mostly into concert photography. Or I'm somewhere in the forest and old castle ruins. Here's some of my pictures: And I hope I can get some nice shots on my tour through scandinavia in June.
  2. That bird photobombing my screenshot..
  3. Cooooo.. Quaggans eating a Krait..
  4. The fashion contest got interrupted.. but.. why didn't they bring their instruments?
  5. And Quaggans do have maaaaany pets..
  6. <(°.°<) ^(°.°)> v(°.°)^ ^(°.°)v (>°.°)> Castus#1873 Wolfie: Confirm'd


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