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About Herathien

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  1. just wanted to share this with you guys, easily one of my favorite tavern songs from dragon age inquisition :3
  2. He tried to explain it all to himself while he brewed another potion.
  3. oooh havent that song been played on radio? well it sounds nice though. and hello
  4. one of my favourite swedish bands :3
  5. When he opened the door there was no one there
  6. well..... good point actually and it started after i joined DV i think Vikings is cool so can't deny that i look like one then :3
  7. well my turn i guess to do the selfie stuff, a little tired though^^
  8. if you had to wake up with someone of this too after a late night out ^^ who would it be, yoda or jar-jar binks? and yes that includes all happening under the night haha
  9. If u had to be one of the races in gw 2 irl. what would it be and why? remember that you would live like them then don´t be boring and choose human plz


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