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About Vidarr

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  • Birthday 03/02/1991

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  1. Vidarr


    Hello! Kinda awkward for me to try to fit in such coherent community. Especially, since I always felt better staying aside. Despite the fact, I am actively playing GW since the release of Factions I have never been lucky enough to become a part of a passion-driven group of people like OC. It was wonderful to experience a great led TT event after almost a year of struggle with trying to kill just one head. This moment was for me decisive and since then I wanted to become a part of you guys. It was so nice to finally be able to meet people I can share gaming goals and fun with. About getting a bit deeper into personal stuff, I am 25yo from Poland, have recently received a degree in economy&finances and started work as a risk analyst. In my free time I used to go for anything no-handwork-required-art-related e.g. photography or even music producing. Too much silence brings existential thinking so I try to cover my everyday with all kinds of electronic music. As for ingame activity I mained 'sin in original Guild Wars and this (unfortunately) made me main thief in GW2. Moreover, I have no taste in mixing races with classes (and with outfits aswell) - therefore, I have a _sneaky_ norn thief and _mighty_ human guardian, which is highly frustrating in modern Fashion Wars era. If anything above sounded too formal, strictly or stiff - my apologies, was never good with any kinds introductions. So to sum up: good to be here, thank you for inviting.


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