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About Hopsu

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  • Birthday 14/04/1988

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  1. Hopsu


    So we did an Dragon's Stand event and my character decided to bug out Here are some hilarious screenies of it
  2. until

    Here's some screenies I took during the expedition..
  3. Yeah, this monday is awful.. I am sooooo tiiireeedddd.. But Pink Day on saturday was magnificent! 

    I recorded some of it and you can find dem videos following this link Guild Wars 2 - Pink Day in LA -video playlist

  4. I just uploaded all the Pink Day in LA video recordings to my youtube channel and you can find them all from this playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs133AFY2qagebvYvgte_tyx3lFYW1Uki
  5. Woop woop and welcome to the Community! \o/
  6. Welcome to the community! Ooooh I loooooooove coffee! It is my gas which keeps me going at work. I need atleast 2 BIG cups of coffee or 6 small cups during my 8,5hr shift at work.
  7. Oh wow! Sunch a talented artist you are!
  8. Hopsu

    Reveal yourself

    Time to reveal the Epic Gigglers face. This is how I look ;P Slytherin pride!
  9. Weather go home. You're drunk. 

    I am NOT ready for winter yet.. Q___Q

  10. Wolfie: I'm Slytherpuff! :'3 Slaywright: Ask away if you wanna! >:3


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