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About Tossino

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  1. Hello! PvE is still around! They've become a sort of independent guild who do their own thing. For example, they have a scheduled Verdant Brink on Friday June 5, 7:30 to 8:30 CEST. If you want to get in touch with any of their commanders I'd suggest connecting to their Teamspeak: Gamers-Hell OC is also still kind of around! Lelling is often chilling out on the OC Teamspeak that you can just connect to through typing opencommunity, we'll still organise Tyria Pride and hang out now and then. ? I hope that helps!
  2. I've been raiding for quite some time now but never had a shot at Xera. That changed today! <3
  3. If you're speaking of the calendar, it should show the times in your local timezone, so you don't have to do any timezone maths. Welcome to the community!
  4. Did an impromptu Sloth today with some OC peeps and a couple of us killed it for the first time!
  5. until

  6. until
    Have the condition damage gear and thinking of trying out huskhandling, but you're not sure where to start? This is the event for you! Huskhandler means dealing with a specific mob the Triple Trouble wurm spits out called a HUSK. They have very high toughness which means only condition damage hurts it. We will help you with picking traits and skills on YOUR class to deal with this husk as efficiently as possible.


We have an open Teamspeak, which can be freely used by guests in need of a practical voice communication solution.

Address: ts.theopencommunity.org

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