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Everything posted by AoiHex

  1. Wow that lady is creepy as hell Susi. and lol Lion's Arch Roundabout :')
  2. Sabiiinaaaaaa Totally watched the first 12 epi's of Tokyo Ghoul (don't do Manga) yesterday in one sitting after intending to only watch the first episode... :')
  3. If your post is long mine is an essay :'D Nice to meet you ^^
  4. AoiHex


    HellooOo I'm Daniel or Dan or [insert character name] (just not Danny...not a huge fan of being called Danny :D). I'm 25 and I currently live in the UK - London, although I'm not actually from the UK originally. I love video games and I main a Chronomancer in GW2. My main guild is DV which I've been a part of for quite some time now - I'm also usually on the TS. Rpg, strategy, rogue-like, sci-fi and horror games are my favourites. Recently I've played a lot of GW, Civ, FFX-HD, FTL, and Bloodborne/Dark souls. I'm a bit of an artsy, dreamy, sociable, effectionate kinda guy. I've been described as a bit of a colourful character by friends and co-workers. On that note I'm also green/red colourblind - cannot see green at all :'D. I like cooking exquisite meals for friends and cheering people up. Currently trying to get into Film production..... among other things. I value intelligence, lovely people and people who are slightly "different". I dislike people who think they are in any way better than the next person. We should all be equal, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, social status, interests, etc. So yeah...feel free to say hi, making new friends is always nice ^^ On GW2: Aeon Crux (ChronoMes - main), AoiHex (Ele), Paarthyx (Revenant), Mairhí (Daredevil), Caero Fall (Warrior), Neck Romancér (Necro), Morthodrem and his pet Lawn Moa (Druid), Infinity Crux (Scrapper), Aeon Fall (Dragon Hunter) GamerTag everywhere else: AoiHex


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