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About auuus

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  1. First kill for a lot of people on Sloth with the golden slubling tagging along.
  2. @Jomika Thaaaanks ^^ @Sithicus Thank you! I've tried to be as active as I can, since it's so much fun playing with you guys =)
  3. @Kitty Thanks! I probably will =)
  4. Hi! I've been playing for a couple of months now and was invited to this wonderful community a while back. I should probably have written an introduction some time ago, but I'm terribly lazy. I'm a 29 year old bloke living in Sweden. I've almost finished my studies to become a teacher in history and Swedish, but I've taken a year off and now I work at the student union instead. But in a year, I will probably be teaching high schoolers about cool stuff that happened a long time ago. And grammar. God, I love grammar. Anyway, I've been playing video games most of my life, including a lot of WoW and SWTOR. I had sworn off MMORPG:s, but then I met @Jomika and @MrFlowerbranch (can't get the tag to work), two horrible (but actually quite wonderful) people who, with a cunning on par with the most dastardly of super villains, got me hooked on Guild Wars 2. And here I am. I mostly play on my elementalist Athalain, but I've got a couple of other characters as well. I'm a bit shy so I don't talk to people all that much, but I'm trying to come out of my shell. And my shyness is usually only an issue when it comes down to starting conversations, get me talking and I'll probably never stop. When I'm not playing GW2, I'm usually working, arguing about politics, reading or playing something else. I'm a big fan of rpg:s in general and I absolutely love stories and tales of any kind! So, this is me. Peace out ^^


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