Account name: pyroelectricfusion.2540 / Zephyr Mistwalker
Classes (playtime/ease of use order) :
Mesmer/Chrono - full qt build
I like to swap trinkets to avoid having to use the 1g/30min Bountiful Sharpening Stones if that's okay:
Amulet -> for Exotic concentration-based one + plat doubloon for 97,66% boon duration
Amulet + 1 Accessory -> for Ascended Commander's for 97,93% boon duration
that should be enough according to this: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/mesmer/Boon-Duration-Cap-and-PvE-Chrono-Builds
Elementalist/Tempest - full qt build
Need some work on rotations, should be fine tho (especially if we decide beforehand which bosses we are going for the week so I can watch POVs/practice accordingly)
Ranger/Druid - only healer/magi variant (exotic armor - rest ascended)
Least played, but would like to practice more