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About Luotto

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  1. Ahoy people! I was recently part of the Triple Trouple event hosted by you and I met some amazing people there decided to join up on the fun and found my way in here! (btw thank Arai if you're reading this) What can I say about myself.. I'm Finn, I like winter and I drink beer and respect the legendary "Finnish personal space" I am currently studying in University for Bachelor's Degree (See it's going well I'm already on forums about game related stuff) In guild wars you usually spot me running around with one of my many charrs (yes I like charrs.) but I'm mostly sticking up with my thief (Luotto) if you want to have chat in-game feel free to contact me I won't bite! Will probably join TS3 as soon as I get my mic working! So see you soon! PS. I'm quite the noob at times on GW2 please don't get mad at me, blame the system instead!


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