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About Dizz0

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  1. we are getting close to raid time and only 5 names shows up on the signup sheet. where do we meet at 19:30?
  2. In game name : Dizzo.4795 (Misterqueen, Ivory Irishspring) Experience level : Never been in there yet Classes I can play : Druid healer ranger (currently learning all that needs to be known) I'd like to join Sunday and backup saturday if another healer cannot make it.
  3. Name: Dizzo.4795 Age : 34 Location: Italy Hi, I've been playing gw2 since 2012 and been raiding on world of warcraft a long time ago with a hardcore guild. I came back a few months ago on gw2 after a little break of a year or so and been focusing on achievements since then. A lot of new content wich i wasnt expecting got me very occupied these past 2 months such as HoT story and all the achievements related to it. I then searched for a comunity that was able to lead the triple trouble event and came accross this amazing community. Now that raids have been introduced into gw2, i'm more than very excited to be part of a squad that runs it. i'm good with ingame reflexes and listen carefully on instructions. I have a few level 80s built up on my account but mainly played my ranger for pve and pvp and guardian for WvW. I'll be more than happy to study and learn all that needs to know about druid healer ranger. Thank you for taking your time to read this application.


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